When you do interview my brother I need to be there, as his council. And John Warner proved he's not afraid to use his connections to protect his son. It's going to be difficult for her to railroad Eric, when he and his family are not only loaded but have connections everywhere. It's going to be great to watch Cornell actually struggle for a change and face some blow back and friction. That's going to make the cat and mouse game interesting! Between John Warner's wealth and Amanda Warner's legal expertise, we might actually have a family who can give Detective Cornell a run for her money. One of the most intriguing aspects of this season, is that we are presented with a successful family with money and a heck of a lot of reach. : They are investigating this as a homicide.They are investigating this as a homicide. Unfortunately, for Eric, that makes him suspect number one in her murder. Detective Cornell came onto the scene doubting that was the case long before she had reason to.Īfter all, Kate was successful, in love, and happy.

When a person plunges 12 stories to their unfortunate demise, one would immediately assume it was suicide. When she sets her mind to something, it usually involves harassing anyone close to her victim and more often than not abusing her authority. She's blunt, crass, and tends to lack anything that resembles sympathy. She's interesting to watch, but I almost forgot just how unlikable she can be. Arguably one of the most irritating detectives of primetime television. It also reintroduced us to Detective Andrea Cornell. It gave us just enough information to form a few snap judgments about the characters. It laid down the groundwork for the rest of the season and introduced us to the Warner family. For the most part the premiere was a bit slow and predictable.